Overwrite tabs

As a framework, default SPS tabs like the welcome tab, the module main tab, the visualization main tab, the Canvas tab and the About tab can be user-defined.

Default UI and tabs you can overwrite

Overwrite SPS default tabs

To start create a SPS project:

app_path <- "."
spsInit(app_path = app_path, overwrite = TRUE, open_files = FALSE)
## [SPS-DANGER] 2021-04-22 15:45:11 Done, Db created at '/tmp/Rtmp2YLDmY/overwrite/config/sps.db'. DO NOT share this file with others or upload to open access domains.
## [SPS-INFO] 2021-04-22 15:45:11 Key md5 6886f6bf17229ffb646102abad92fa31
## [SPS-INFO] 2021-04-22 15:45:11 SPS project setup done!

use the function spsCoreTabReplace to create a template of which tab you would like to overwrite. Here we use the “Welcome” tab as example to demo how to write your own welcome tab.

spsCoreTabReplace(replace_tab = "welcome")
## [SUCCESS] 2021-04-22 15:45:11 File /tmp/Rtmp2YLDmY/overwrite/R/tab_core_welcome.R created

If you are using Rstudio the template will be opened for you like following:

########################## Overwrite the welcome tab ###########################
## UI
core_welcomeUI <- function(id){
    ns <- NS(id)
        # add your UI code below

## server
core_welcomeServer <- function(id, shared){
    module <- function(input, output, session, shared){
        ns <- session$ns
        # add your server code below
    moduleServer(id, module)

Then you can write your own UI and server for this tab, for example, we can add some UI to the tab:

core_welcomeUI <- function(id){
    ns <- NS(id)
        # add your UI code below
        h2("This is my welcome page"),
        h4("some UI"),
        sliderInput(ns("num"), "Select a number", 0, 10, 5)

When you restart the app, you should see your custom Welcome tab:

Custom Welcome tab UI
Last modified 2021-04-22 : sps updates no_render (2270d8d1)