SPS database

SPS database is a small SQLite database which stores some basic app information, the project encryption key pair, account information. The database is controlled by 3 SPS R6 classes:

  • spsDb: basic database management, queries.
  • spsEncryption: Interact with the SHA256 key pair in the database to encrypt strings, and files. Also methods to view or change the key pair, inherits spsDb
  • spsAcount: use the encyption key pair to manage users and admin accounts in SPS, inherits spsDb and spsEncryption.

First to create a SPS project

app_path <- "."
spsInit(app_path = app_path, overwrite = TRUE, open_files = FALSE)
## [SPS-DANGER] 2021-04-22 15:45:04 Done, Db created at '/tmp/Rtmp3KQ3pG/SPS_20210422/config/sps.db'. DO NOT share this file with others or upload to open access domains.
## [SPS-INFO] 2021-04-22 15:45:04 Key md5 1d1f76c8eecddb382ee2db097d6edbe9
## [SPS-INFO] 2021-04-22 15:45:04 SPS project setup done!

You can see a database created on a SPS project initiation, you should see a message like this:

[SPS-DANGER] 2021-04-19 11:06:53 Done, Db created at 

Then we can use different class methods to interact with the database.

spsDb class

Reference manual under SPS Functions.

Create a class object:

mydb <- spsDb$new()
## [SPS-INFO] 2021-04-22 15:45:04 Created SPS database method container

create new db

If there is no database, we can create one:

# delete current one first
## [1] TRUE
# create a new one
## [SPS-INFO] 2021-04-22 15:45:04 Creating SPS db...
## [SPS-DANGER] 2021-04-22 15:45:04 Done, Db created at 'config/sps.db'. DO NOT share this file with others or upload to open access domains.
## [SPS-INFO] 2021-04-22 15:45:04 Key md5 6306a50abcf3c7618566911a793b0405

If you create a new database, all information in the old database will be overwritten. All old information will be lost

Get tables

# meta info table
##            info          value
## 1 creation_date 20210422154504
# raw blob table to store keys
##   info         value
## 1  key blob[1.36 kB]
# account table
##   account                                                             pass
## 1   admin bef2094c429fa5b0ff7a37abc6bf8dd31c29fa2acd783a2303935d2b8664ea21
## 2    user 12842a62c410af0f4b4dc866283a90f7b7c42c9d5ca0d0e1c812dca11021b052
##    role
## 1 admin
## 2  user

Insert new records(rows)

To add a new row, values of all columns needs to be passed in a SQL string

mydb$queryInsert("sps_meta", value = "'new1', '1'")
## [SPS-INFO] 2021-04-22 15:45:04 Inerted 1 rows

Or pass in a vector:

mydb$queryInsert("sps_meta", value = c("'new2'", "'2'"))
## [SPS-INFO] 2021-04-22 15:45:04 Inerted 1 rows
# check the new table 
##            info          value
## 1 creation_date 20210422154504
## 2          new1              1
## 3          new2              2

change values

mydb$queryUpdate("sps_meta", value = '234', col = "value", WHERE = "info = 'new1'")
## [SPS-INFO] 2021-04-22 15:45:04 Updated 1 rows
# check the update
##            info          value
## 1 creation_date 20210422154504
## 2          new1            234
## 3          new2              2

remove values

mydb$queryDel("sps_meta", WHERE = "value = '234'")
## [SPS-INFO] 2021-04-22 15:45:05 Deleted 1 rows
# check again 
##            info          value
## 1 creation_date 20210422154504
## 2          new2              2

spsEncryption class

Reference manual under SPS Functions.

Start by creating a class object

my_ecpt <- spsEncryption$new()
## [SPS-INFO] 2021-04-22 15:45:05 Created SPS encryption method container
## [SPS-INFO] 2021-04-22 15:45:05 Default SPS-db found and is working

Get current key

To see the public and private keys (in {openssil{blk}} format):

# private
## [2048-bit rsa private key]
## md5: 6306a50abcf3c7618566911a793b0405
# public
## [2048-bit rsa public key]
## md5: 6306a50abcf3c7618566911a793b0405

Change the encyption key

Be super careful to change the encryption key. This will result any file encrypted by the old key pair unlockable and the password of all current accounts invalid.

By default it will prevent you to change the key in case you accidentally run this method

## [SPS-DANGER] 2021-04-22 15:45:05 
## change this key will result all accounts' password failed to
## authenticate. You have to regenerate all password for all
## accounts. All encrypted file using the old key will fail to
## decrypt. There is NO way to RECOVER the old key, password
## and files. If you wish to continue, recall this function
## with `confirm = TRUE`.

Unless you are super sure with a confirmation

my_ecpt$keyChange(confirm = TRUE)
## [SPS-INFO] 2021-04-22 15:45:05 md5 42e4b167ba388a9e797608eb4e466a18

Encrypt files

# imagine a file has one line "test"
writeLines(text = "test", con = "test.txt")
my_ecpt$encrypt("test.txt", "test.bin", overwrite = TRUE)

Decrypt files

my_ecpt$decrypt("test.bin", "test_decpt.txt", overwrite = TRUE)

Check the decrypted file content

## [1] "test"

spsAcount class

This class is discussed in details in the Accounts, login and admin.

Last modified 2021-04-22 : sps updates no_render (2270d8d1)