SPS Guide

SPS interative guides (tutorials)

SPS provides some interactive guides for users to familiarize the app. There is a very simple one-step welcome guide that will initialize everytime on app start to indicate where the guide dropdown is (top-right corner).

Welcome guide on start

By clicking the guide dropdown menu, you can open up the list of available guides. By default, we only proivde a main SPS guide.

Guide dropdown menu

If any of the guide is clicked in the dropdown, the corresponding interactive guide will start.

Guide started

You can click “Next”, “Previous” or “Close” to navigate the guide or close the guide.

Custom guide

To build and provide your custom guides to your users, there is file guide_content.R created on SPS project initialization under the R folder: /R/guide_content.R. This is the place to define your own guide.

This file look like this:

#################### Define your custom SPS tutorials ##########################
# use `shinydashboardPlus::messageItem` to add your tutorials UI to this list
guide_ui <- list(
    ## An example is provided below
        inputId = "guide_main",
        from = "Main Guide",
        icon = icon('home'),
        message = "Brief introduction"

# use `cicerone::Cicerone$new()` to add your tutorials content to this list
# See help `?cicerone::Cicerone`
# A named list, each item's name must match the `inputId` in UI to trigger it in app.
guide_content <- try(list(
    ## An example is provided below, replace or add your own to the list
    guide_main = cicerone::Cicerone$new(overlay_click_next = TRUE)$
        step(el = "sidebarItemExpanded",
             title = "SPS tabs",
             description = "Browse SPS functionalities as tabs from the left",
             position = "right-center")$

There are two parts that you need to define: UI and actual guide content.


UI is what users see inside the dropdown menu. Guides UI needs to be stored in a list and each item should be a shinydashboardPlus::messageItem.

  • inputId must be unique.
  • from is the short description of the guide.
  • icon should be a call of shiny::icon(), the icon of the guide in dropdown menu
  • message: short description of the guide in dropdown menu

To add multiple guides' UI, for example:

guide_ui <- list(
    ## An example is provided below
        inputId = "guide1",
        inputId = "guide2",

Guide content

The guide content is defined with the {cicerone{blk}} package with cicerone::Cicerone R6 class and also in a named list.

The name of each item in a list must match the name of inputId in guide UI. For example, we have two guides

guide_ui <- list(
    ## An example is provided below
        inputId = "guide1",
        inputId = "guide2",

guide_content <- try(list(
    guide1 = cicerone::Cicerone$new(overlay_click_next = TRUE)$
    guide2 = cicerone::Cicerone$new(overlay_click_next = TRUE)$

The “guide1” of inputId in the guide_ui must match “guide1” in guide_content list.

The “guide2” of inputId in the guide_ui must match “guide2” in guide_content list.

Define guide content

How to define the guide content will not be expanded here, read details in the {cicerone{blk}} package manual. Here are some key points:

  • The cicerone::Cicerone is R6 class, and it is obejct oriented, so you need to use cicerone::Cicerone$new() method to create a new object before you can add any guide step.
  • R6 methods calling can be chained together, like how to define steps:
    guide_content <- try(list(
        guide1 = cicerone::Cicerone$new()$ # chain object creation with step defining
            step(...)$                     # chain step1 to step2
            step(...)$                     # step2 to step3
            step(...)$                     # step3 to step4
            step(...)                      # DO NOT use `$` for the last step

If you follow the manual of {cicerone} to define steps, the guide will look like this when users click it.

Cicerone steps
Last modified 2021-04-22 : sps updates no_render (2270d8d1)