This timeline is horizontal, use spsTimeline to define it and use updateSpsTimeline on server to update it.
spsTimeline(id, up_labels, down_labels, icons, completes)
complete = TRUE,
up_label = NULL,
down_label = NULL
html ID of the timeline if you are using shiny modules: use namespace function to create the ID but DO NOT use namespace function on server.
a vector of strings, text you want to display on top of each
timeline item, usually like year number. If you do not want any text for a
certain items, use ""
to occupy the space.
a vector of strings, text you want to display at the bottom of each timeline item.
a list of icon objects. If you do not want an icon for certain
items, use div()
to occupy the space.
a vector of TRUE or FALSE, indicating if the items are completed or not. Completed items will become green.
current shiny session
integer, which item number counting from left to right you want to update
bool, is this item completed or not
the item_no
associated up label to update
the item_no
associated down label to update
returns a shiny component
, down_labels
, icons
, completes
must have the same
ui <- fluidPage(
up_labels = c("2000", "2001"),
down_labels = c("step 1", "step 2"),
icons = list(icon("table"), icon("gear")),
completes = c(FALSE, TRUE)
actionButton("a", "complete step 1"),
actionButton("c", "uncomplete step 1"))
server <- function(input, output, session) {
observeEvent(input$a, {
updateSpsTimeline(session, "b", 1, up_label = "0000", down_label = "Finish")
observeEvent(input$c, {
updateSpsTimeline(session, "b", 1, complete = FALSE,
up_label = "9999", down_label = "Step 1")
shinyApp(ui, server)