CSS loaders can improve user experience by adding a small animation icon to a HTML element. spsComps provides you 12 different looking CSS loaders. Unlike other Shiny packages, you have full control of the CSS loader here, like position, color, size, opacity, etc.
type = "default",
src = "",
id = "",
height = "1.5rem",
width = height,
color = "#337ab7",
opacity = 1,
inline = FALSE,
is_icon = FALSE,
string, one of "circle", "dual-ring", "facebook", "heart", "ring", "roller", "default", "ellipsis", "grid", "hourglass", "ripple", "spinner", "gif", default is "default".
string, online URL or local path of the gif animation file if you would like to upload your own loader.
string, optional, ID for the component, if not given, a random ID will be given.
string, pixel, like "10px"; or (r)em, "1.5rem", "1.5em". Default is "1.5rem".
string, default is the same as height
. For most loader, you
want to keep width = height for a square shape.
string, any valid CSS color name, or hex color code
number, between 0-1
bool, do you want the loader be inline? This is useful to turn on if you want to add the loader to a shiny::actionButton, so the loader and button label will be on the same line. See examples.
bool, default uses the HTML div
tag, turn on this option will
use the i
tag for icon. Useful if you want to add the loader as icon
for the shiny::actionButton. See examples.
other shiny tags or HTML attributes you want to add to the loader.
returns a css loader component.
if (interactive()){
heights <- paste0(c(1.5, 3, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20), "rem")
colors <- list(
colorRampPalette(c("#00d2ff", "#3a7bd5"))(7),
colorRampPalette(c("#59C173", "#a17fe0", "#5D26C1"))(7),
colorRampPalette(c("#667db6", "#0082c8", "#5D26C1", "#667db6"))(7),
colorRampPalette(c("#f2709c", "#ff9472"))(7),
colorRampPalette(c("#FC5C7D", "#6A82FB"))(7),
colorRampPalette(c("#4568DC", "#B06AB3"))(7)
types <- c("circle", "dual-ring", "facebook", "heart",
"ring", "roller", "default", "ellipsis",
"grid", "hourglass", "ripple", "spinner")
ui <- fluidPage(
lapply(seq_along(types), function(i){
h4(types[i]), br(),
lapply(1:7, function(x){
types[i], height = heights[x],
color = colors[[if(i > 6) i - 6 else i]][x],
inline = TRUE
server <- function(input, output, session) {}
shinyApp(ui, server)
# use with buttons
if (interactive()){
ui <- fluidPage(
"btn-a", "",
## `inline = TRUE` is important if you want loader and
## text in the same line.
icon = cssLoader(is_icon = TRUE, inline = TRUE, color = "#3a7bd5"
"btn-b", "Loading",
icon = cssLoader(type = "hourglass", is_icon = TRUE, color = "#667db6", inline = TRUE)
server <- function(input, output, session) {}
shinyApp(ui, server)
# use your own
if (interactive()){
spinner <- "https://github.com/lz100/spsComps/blob/master/examples/demo/www/spinner.gif?raw=true"
eater <- "https://github.com/lz100/spsComps/blob/master/examples/demo/www/bean_eater.gif?raw=true"
ui <- fluidPage(
"gif", spinner, height = "50px"
"gif", spinner, height = "100px"
"gif", eater, height = "150px"
"gif", eater, height = "200px"
"btn-custom1", "",
icon = cssLoader(
type = "gif", src = spinner,
is_icon = TRUE, inline = TRUE
"btn-custom2", "A button",
icon = cssLoader(
type = "gif", src = eater,
is_icon = TRUE, inline = TRUE
server <- function(input, output, session) {}
shinyApp(ui, server)