Add popover to any Shiny element you want. You can also customize color, font size, background color, and more for each individual popover.
title = "",
content = "",
placement = "top",
bgcolor = "#ebebeb",
titlecolor = "black",
contentcolor = "black",
titlesize = "14px",
contentsize = "12px",
titleweight = "600",
contentweight = "400",
opacity = 1,
html = FALSE,
trigger = "hover",
click_inside = FALSE
title = "",
content = "",
placement = "top",
bgcolor = "#ebebeb",
titlecolor = "black",
contentcolor = "black",
titlesize = "14px",
contentsize = "12px",
titleweight = "600",
contentweight = "400",
opacity = 1,
html = FALSE,
trigger = "hover",
click_inside = FALSE
title = "",
content = "",
placement = "top",
status = "primary",
titlesize = "14px",
contentsize = "12px",
titleweight = "600",
contentweight = "400",
opacity = 1,
html = TRUE,
trigger = "hover",
click_inside = FALSE
a shiny tag as input
string, popover title
string, popover cotent
string, one of "top", "bottom", "left", "right", where to put the tooltip
string, background color, valid value of CSS color name or hex value or rgb value
string, title text color, valid value of CSS color name or hex value or rgb value
string, content text color, valid value of CSS color name or hex value or rgb value
string, title text font size, valid value of CSS font size, like "10px", "1rem".
string, content text font size, valid value of CSS font size, like "10px", "1rem".
string, CSS valid title font weight unit
string, CSS valid content font weight unit
numeric, between 0 and 1
bool, allow title contain HTML code? like "<strong>abc</strong>"
string, how to trigger the tooltip, one or combination of click | hover | focus | manual.
bool, default is FALSE
, whether to allow users to
click content inside the message. See details.
string, used only for wrapper bsPop, see details
shiny tag
For trigger methods read:
For font weight, see:
bsHoverPopover is the old name but we still keep it for backward compatibility.
Sometimes developers want to add links for users to click.
By default, the message will be gone once mouse leaves the element, but with
this option to be TRUE
, when users move the mouse inside, the message
element will not be gone, so users can click on the links or other content.
Once this option is used, the triggering method is set to "manual"
animation will be removed. This is related to the Javascript method used
behind, some compromises have to be made.
When adding the links, you may also want to turn html = TRUE
in combined.
ui <- fluidPage(
br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), column(2),
actionButton("", "Popover on the left") %>%
bsPopover("Popover on the left", "content", "left"),
actionButton("", "Popover on the top") %>%
bsPopover("Popover on the top", "content", "top"),
actionButton("", "Popover on the right") %>%
bsPopover("Popover on the right", "content", "right"),
actionButton("", "Popover on the bottom") %>%
bsPopover("Popover on the bottom", "content", "bottom"),
br(), br(), column(2),
actionButton("", "primary color") %>%
"primary color", "content", bgcolor = "#0275d8",
titlecolor = "white", contentcolor = "#0275d8"),
actionButton("", "danger color") %>%
"danger color", "content", bgcolor = "#d9534f",
titlecolor = "white", contentcolor = "#d9534f"),
actionButton("", "warning color") %>%
"warning color", "content", bgcolor = "#f0ad4e",
titlecolor = "white", contentcolor = "#f0ad4e"),
br(), br(), column(2),
actionButton("", "9px & 14px") %>%
bsPopover("9px", "14", titlesize = "9px", contentsize = ),
actionButton("", "14px & 12px") %>%
bsPopover("14px", "12", titlesize = "14px"),
actionButton("", "20px & 9px") %>%
bsPopover("20px", "9", titlesize = "20px"),
br(), br(), column(2),
actionButton("", "weight 100 & 800") %>%
bsPopover("weight 100", "800", titleweight = "100", contentweight = "800"),
actionButton("", "weight 400 & 600") %>%
bsPopover("weight 400", "600", titleweight = "400", contentweight = "600"),
actionButton("", "weight 600 & 400") %>%
bsPopover("weight 600", "400", titleweight = "600", contentweight = "400"),
actionButton("", "weight 900 & 200") %>%
bsPopover("weight 900", "200", titleweight = "900", contentweight = "200"),
br(), br(), column(2),
actionButton("", "opacity 0.2") %>%
bsPopover("opacity 0.2", opacity = 0.2),
actionButton("", "opacity 0.5") %>%
bsPopover("opacity 0.5", opacity = 0.5),
actionButton("", "opacity 0.8") %>%
bsPopover("opacity 0.8", opacity = 0.8),
actionButton("", "opacity 1") %>%
bsPopover("opacity 1", opacity = 1),
br(), br(), column(2),
actionButton("f1", "allow html: 'abc<span class='text-danger'>danger</span>'") %>%
bsPopover(HTML("abc<span class='text-danger'>danger</span>"),
html = TRUE, bgcolor = "#0275d8"),
actionButton("f2", "allow html: '<s>del content</s>'") %>%
bsPopover(HTML("<s>del content</s>"), html = TRUE, bgcolor = "#d9534f"),
actionButton("", "Clickable with links") %>%
title = "Clickable with links",
content = "<div>This message has a <a href=''>link</a></div>", "bottom",
html = TRUE, click_inside = TRUE, bgcolor = "orange"
server <- function(input, output, session) {}
shinyApp(ui, server)
ui <- fluidPage(
br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), column(2),
actionButton("", "primary") %>%
bsPop("primary", "primary", status = "primary"),
actionButton("", "info") %>%
bsPop("info", "info", status = "info"),
actionButton("", "success") %>%
bsPop("success", "success", status = "success"),
actionButton("", "warning") %>%
bsPop("warning", "warning", status = "warning"),
actionButton("", "danger") %>%
bsPop("danger", "danger", status = "danger")
server <- function(input, output, session) {}
shinyApp(ui, server)