Convenience write function for generating targets files with updated FileName columns containing the paths to files generated by input/output processes. These processes can be commandline- or R-based software. Typically, the paths to the inputs are stored in the targets infile (targetsin(args) for SYSargs objects or for SYSargs2 objects) and the outputs are stored in the targets outfile (targetsout(args) for SYSargs objects or output(WF)) for SYSargs2 objects. Note: by default the function cannot overwrite any existing files. If a file exists then the user has to explicitly remove it or set overwrite=TRUE.

writeTargetsout(x, file = "default", silent = FALSE, overwrite = FALSE, step = NULL, new_col=NULL, new_col_output_index=NULL, remove=FALSE, ...)



Object of class SYSargs or SYSargs2.


Name and path of the output file. If set to "default" then the name of the output file will have the pattern 'targets_<software>.txt', where <software> will be what software(x) returns, when x is an object of class SYSargs. For an object of class SYSargs2, the output file will have the pattern 'targets_<software>_<step>.txt', where <software> will be the workflow name (files(x)$cwl) and <step> will be the step chosen in the argument step.


If set to TRUE, all messages returned by the function will be suppressed.


If set to TRUE, existing files of same name will be overwritten.


Name or numeric position of the step in the workflow to write the output files. The names can be check running names(x$clt).


A vector of character strings of the new column name to add to target file.


A vector of numeric index positions of the file in SYSargs2 class output. It requires new_col definition.


To remove the original columns. Default is FALSE.


To pass on additional arguments.


Writes tabular targes files containing the header/comment lines from targetsheader(x)

and the columns from targetsout(x).


Daniela Cassol and Thomas Girke

See also



## Examples with \code{SYSargs2} object ##
## Construct SYSargs2 object 
targets <- system.file("extdata", "targets.txt", package="systemPipeR")
dir_path <- system.file("extdata/cwl", package="systemPipeR")
WF <- loadWorkflow(targets=targets, wf_file="hisat2/hisat2-mapping-se.cwl", 
                  input_file="hisat2/hisat2-mapping-se.yml", dir_path=dir_path)
WF <- renderWF(WF, inputvars=c(FileName="_FASTQ_PATH1_", SampleName="_SampleName_"))
#> Instance of 'SYSargs2':
#>    Slot names/accessors: 
#>       targets: 18 (M1A...V12B), targetsheader: 4 (lines)
#>       modules: 1
#>       wf: 0, clt: 1, yamlinput: 7 (inputs)
#>       input: 18, output: 18
#>       cmdlist: 18
#>    Sub Steps:
#>       1. hisat2-mapping-se (rendered: TRUE)
## Write targets out file
#> [1] "hisat2-mapping-se.cwl"
writeTargetsout(x=WF, file="default", step=1, new_col=c("sam_file"), new_col_output_index=c(1))
#> 	 Written content of 'targetsout(x)' to file: targets_hisat2-mapping-se.txt