Parses sample comparisons specified in <CMP> line(s) of targets file or in targetsheader slot of SYSargs object. All possible comparisons can be specified with 'CMPset: ALL'.

readComp(file, format = "vector", delim = "-")



Path to targets file. Alternatively, a SYSargs or SYSargs2 object can be assigned.


Object type to return: vector or matrix.


Delimiter to use when sample comparisons are returned as vector.


list where each component is named according to the name(s) used in the <CMP> line(s) of the targets file. The list will contain as many sample comparisons sets (list components) as there are sample comparisons lines in the corresponding targets file.


Thomas Girke


## Return comparisons from targets file
targetspath <- system.file("extdata", "targets.txt", package="systemPipeR")
read.delim(targetspath, comment.char = "#")
#>                       FileName SampleName Factor SampleLong Experiment
#> 1  ./data/SRR446027_1.fastq.gz        M1A     M1  Mock.1h.A          1
#> 2  ./data/SRR446028_1.fastq.gz        M1B     M1  Mock.1h.B          1
#> 3  ./data/SRR446029_1.fastq.gz        A1A     A1   Avr.1h.A          1
#> 4  ./data/SRR446030_1.fastq.gz        A1B     A1   Avr.1h.B          1
#> 5  ./data/SRR446031_1.fastq.gz        V1A     V1   Vir.1h.A          1
#> 6  ./data/SRR446032_1.fastq.gz        V1B     V1   Vir.1h.B          1
#> 7  ./data/SRR446033_1.fastq.gz        M6A     M6  Mock.6h.A          1
#> 8  ./data/SRR446034_1.fastq.gz        M6B     M6  Mock.6h.B          1
#> 9  ./data/SRR446035_1.fastq.gz        A6A     A6   Avr.6h.A          1
#> 10 ./data/SRR446036_1.fastq.gz        A6B     A6   Avr.6h.B          1
#> 11 ./data/SRR446037_1.fastq.gz        V6A     V6   Vir.6h.A          1
#> 12 ./data/SRR446038_1.fastq.gz        V6B     V6   Vir.6h.B          1
#> 13 ./data/SRR446039_1.fastq.gz       M12A    M12 Mock.12h.A          1
#> 14 ./data/SRR446040_1.fastq.gz       M12B    M12 Mock.12h.B          1
#> 15 ./data/SRR446041_1.fastq.gz       A12A    A12  Avr.12h.A          1
#> 16 ./data/SRR446042_1.fastq.gz       A12B    A12  Avr.12h.B          1
#> 17 ./data/SRR446043_1.fastq.gz       V12A    V12  Vir.12h.A          1
#> 18 ./data/SRR446044_1.fastq.gz       V12B    V12  Vir.12h.B          1
#>           Date
#> 1  23-Mar-2012
#> 2  23-Mar-2012
#> 3  23-Mar-2012
#> 4  23-Mar-2012
#> 5  23-Mar-2012
#> 6  23-Mar-2012
#> 7  23-Mar-2012
#> 8  23-Mar-2012
#> 9  23-Mar-2012
#> 10 23-Mar-2012
#> 11 23-Mar-2012
#> 12 23-Mar-2012
#> 13 23-Mar-2012
#> 14 23-Mar-2012
#> 15 23-Mar-2012
#> 16 23-Mar-2012
#> 17 23-Mar-2012
#> 18 23-Mar-2012
readComp(file=targetspath, format="vector", delim="-")
#> $CMPset1
#> [1] "M1-A1"   "M1-V1"   "A1-V1"   "M6-A6"   "M6-V6"   "A6-V6"   "M12-A12"
#> [8] "M12-V12" "A12-V12"
#> $CMPset2
#>  [1] "M1-A1"   "M1-V1"   "M1-M6"   "M1-A6"   "M1-V6"   "M1-M12"  "M1-A12" 
#>  [8] "M1-V12"  "A1-V1"   "A1-M6"   "A1-A6"   "A1-V6"   "A1-M12"  "A1-A12" 
#> [15] "A1-V12"  "V1-M6"   "V1-A6"   "V1-V6"   "V1-M12"  "V1-A12"  "V1-V12" 
#> [22] "M6-A6"   "M6-V6"   "M6-M12"  "M6-A12"  "M6-V12"  "A6-V6"   "A6-M12" 
#> [29] "A6-A12"  "A6-V12"  "V6-M12"  "V6-A12"  "V6-V12"  "M12-A12" "M12-V12"
#> [36] "A12-V12"

## Return comparisons from SYSargs2 object
targets <- system.file("extdata", "targets.txt", package="systemPipeR")
dir_path <- system.file("extdata/cwl", package="systemPipeR")
args <- loadWorkflow(targets=targets, wf_file="hisat2/hisat2-mapping-se.cwl", 
                  input_file="hisat2/hisat2-mapping-se.yml", dir_path=dir_path)
args <- renderWF(args, inputvars=c(FileName="_FASTQ_PATH1_", SampleName="_SampleName_"))
#> Instance of 'SYSargs2':
#>    Slot names/accessors: 
#>       targets: 18 (M1A...V12B), targetsheader: 4 (lines)
#>       modules: 1
#>       wf: 0, clt: 1, yamlinput: 7 (inputs)
#>       input: 18, output: 18
#>       cmdlist: 18
#>    Sub Steps:
#>       1. hisat2-mapping-se (rendered: TRUE)
readComp(args, format = "vector", delim = "-")
#> $CMPset1
#> [1] "M1-A1"   "M1-V1"   "A1-V1"   "M6-A6"   "M6-V6"   "A6-V6"   "M12-A12"
#> [8] "M12-V12" "A12-V12"
#> $CMPset2
#>  [1] "M1-A1"   "M1-V1"   "M1-M6"   "M1-A6"   "M1-V6"   "M1-M12"  "M1-A12" 
#>  [8] "M1-V12"  "A1-V1"   "A1-M6"   "A1-A6"   "A1-V6"   "A1-M12"  "A1-A12" 
#> [15] "A1-V12"  "V1-M6"   "V1-A6"   "V1-V6"   "V1-M12"  "V1-A12"  "V1-V12" 
#> [22] "M6-A6"   "M6-V6"   "M6-M12"  "M6-A12"  "M6-V12"  "A6-V6"   "A6-M12" 
#> [29] "A6-A12"  "A6-V12"  "V6-M12"  "V6-A12"  "V6-V12"  "M12-A12" "M12-V12"
#> [36] "A12-V12"