To test a sample population of genes for over-representation of GO terms, the
core function GOHyperGAll
computes for all nodes in the three GO networks
(BP, CC and MF) an enrichment test based on the hypergeometric distribution and
returns the corresponding raw and Bonferroni corrected p-values.
Subsequently, a filter function supports GO Slim analyses using default or
custom GO Slim categories. Several convenience functions are provided to process
large numbers of gene sets (e.g. clusters from partitioning results) and to
visualize the results.
Note: GOHyperGAll
provides similar utilities as the GOHyperG
function in the GOstats
package. The main difference is that
simplifies processing of large numbers of gene sets, as well
as the usage of custom array-to-gene and gene-to-GO mappings.
## Generate gene-to-GO mappings and store as catDB object
makeCATdb(myfile, lib = NULL, org = "", colno = c(1, 2, 3), idconv = NULL,
## Enrichment function
GOHyperGAll(catdb, gocat = "MF", sample, Nannot = 2)
## GO slim analysis
GOHyperGAll_Subset(catdb, GOHyperGAll_result, sample = test_sample,
type = "goSlim", myslimv)
## Reduce GO term redundancy
GOHyperGAll_Simplify(GOHyperGAll_result, gocat = "MF", cutoff = 0.001, correct = TRUE)
## Batch analysis of many gene sets
GOCluster_Report(catdb, setlist, id_type = "affy", method = "all", CLSZ = 10,
cutoff = 0.001, gocats = c("MF", "BP", "CC"), myslimv = "default",
correct = TRUE, recordSpecGO = NULL, ...)
## Bar plot of GOCluster_Report results
goBarplot(GOBatchResult, gocat)
File with gene-to-GO mappings. Sample files can be downloaded from geneontology.org (http://geneontology.org/GO.downloads.annotations.shtml) or from BioMart as shown in example below.
Column numbers referencing in myfile
the three target columns containing GOID, GeneID and GOCAT, in that order.
Optional argument. Currently, the only valid option is org="Arabidopsis"
to get rid of transcript duplications in this particular annotation.
If the gene-to-GO mappings are obtained from a *.db
package from Bioconductor then the package name can be specified under the lib
argument of the sampleDFgene2GO
Optional id conversion data.frame
object storing mappings of genes to annotation categories. For details, see ?"SYSargs-class".
If the argument rootUK
is set to TRUE
then the root nodes are treated as terminal nodes to account for the new unknown terms.
character vector
containing the test set of gene identifiers
Defines the minimum number of direct annotations per GO node from the sample set to determine the number of tested hypotheses for the p-value adjustment.
Specifies the GO type, can be assigned one of the following character values: "MF", "BP" and "CC".
generated by GOHyperGAll
The function GOHyperGAll_Subset
subsets the GOHyperGAll
results by directly assigned GO nodes or custom goSlim
The argument type
can be assigned the values goSlim
or assigned
optional argument to provide custom goSlim
p-value cutoff for GO terms to show in result data.frame
the function will favor the selection of terminal (informationich)
GO terms that have at the same time a large number of sample matches.
of character vectors
containing gene IDs (or array feature
IDs). The names of the list
components correspond to the set labels,
e.g. DEG comparisons or cluster IDs.
specifies type of IDs in input, can be assigned gene
or affy
Specifies analysis type. Current options are all
for GOHyperGAll
for GOHyperGAll_Subset
or simplify
minimum gene set (cluster) size to consider. Gene sets below this cutoff will be ignored.
Specifies GO type, can be assigned the values "MF", "BP" and "CC".
argument to report in the result data.frame
specific GO IDs for any
of the 3 ontologies disregarding whether they meet the specified p-value cutoff
, e.g: recordSpecGO=c("GO:0003674", "GO:0008150", "GO:0005575")
generated by GOCluster_Report
additional arguments to pass on
: The result data frame from GOHyperGAll
will often contain several connected GO terms with significant scores which
can complicate the interpretation of large sample sets. To reduce this redundancy,
the function GOHyperGAll_Simplify
subsets the data frame
by a user specified p-value cutoff and removes from it all GO nodes with
overlapping children sets (OFFSPRING), while the best scoring nodes are
retained in the result data.frame
: performs the three types of GO term enrichment
analyses in batch mode: GOHyperGAll
, GOHyperGAll_Subset
. It processes many gene sets (e.g. gene expression
clusters) and returns the results conveniently organized in a single result data frame.
generates catDB
object from file.
This workflow has been published in Plant Physiol (2008) 147, 41-57.
, GOHyperGAll_Simplify
, GOCluster_Report
, goBarplot