class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide #
Daniela Cassol ###
University of California Riverside
2020/08/28 (updated: 2021-02-08)
--- layout: true background-image: url( background-position: 99% 1% background-size: 10% --- class: middle ## Outline #### Introduction #### Live Demo - Install Package - Quick Start - Directory Structure - Workflow Collection - Install Workflow Template --- class: inverse, center, middle # Introduction --- ## Introduction <i class="fas fa-hand-point-right" style="color:#00758a;"></i> [_systemPipeRdata_]( is a helper package to generate with a single command workflow templates that are intended to be used by its parent package [_systemPipeR_]( <i class="fas fa-hand-point-right" style="color:#00758a;"></i> Includes sample data for testing. <i class="fas fa-hand-point-right" style="color:#00758a;"></i> Users can create *new workflows* or change and extend existing ones. --- class: inverse, center, middle # <i class="fas fa-code"></i> Live Demo --- ## <i class="fas fa-box-open"></i> Install Package Install the **systemPipeRdata** package from [Bioconductor]( ```r if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("systemPipeRdata") ``` ### <i class="fas fa-book"></i> Load Package and Documentation <i class="fas fa-question" style="color:#00758a;"></i> Load package: ```r library("systemPipeRdata") ``` <i class="fas fa-question" style="color:#00758a;"></i> Access help: ```r library(help="systemPipeRdata") vignette("systemPipeRdata") ``` --- ## <i class="fas fa-code"></i> Quick Start <i class="fas fa-hand-point-right" style="color:#00758a;"></i> Generate workflow template: ```r genWorkenvir(workflow="varseq") setwd("varseq") ``` <i class="fas fa-hand-point-right" style="color:#00758a;"></i> Command-line alternative for generating workflow environments: ```bash $ Rscript -e "systemPipeRdata::genWorkenvir(workflow='varseq', mydirname=NULL, url=NULL, urlname=NULL)" ``` --- ## <i class="far fa-folder-open"></i> Directory Structure The workflow templates generated by _`genWorkenvir`_ contain the following preconfigured directory structure: <img src="directory.png" height="425px" class="center" /> --- ## <i class="fas fa-project-diagram"></i> Workflows Collection Browse pipelines that are currently available as part of the *systemPipeR* toolkit .small[ | WorkFlow | Description | Version | GitHub | CI Testing | |:-----------------------:|:----------------:|:----------------:|:--------------------:|:-------------------------------:| | [systemPipeChIPseq]( | ChIP-Seq Workflow Template | v1.0 <img src="" align="center" style="width:20px;" /> | <a href=""> <img src="" align="center" style="width:20px;" /> |  | | [systemPipeRIBOseq]( | RIBO-Seq Workflow Template | v1.0 <img src="" align="center" style="width:20px;" /> | <a href=""> <img src="" align="center" style="width:20px;" /> |  | | [systemPipeRNAseq]( | RNA-Seq Workflow Template | v1.0 <img src="" align="center" style="width:20px;" /> | <a href=""> <img src="" align="center" style="width:20px;" /> |  | | [systemPipeVARseq]( | VAR-Seq Workflow Template | v1.0 <img src="" align="center" style="width:20px;" /> | <a href=""> <img src="" align="center" style="width:20px;" /> |  | | [systemPipeMethylseq]( | Methyl-Seq Workflow Template | devel <img src="" align="center" style="width:25px;" /> | <a href=""> <img src="" align="center" style="width:20px;" /> |  | | [systemPipeDeNovo]( | De novo transcriptome assembly Workflow Template | devel <img src="" align="center" style="width:25px;" /> | <a href=""> <img src="" align="center" style="width:20px;" /> |  | | [systemPipeCLIPseq]( | CLIP-Seq Workflow Template | devel <img src="" align="center" style="width:25px;" /> | <a href=""> <img src="" align="center" style="width:20px;" /> |  | | [systemPipeMetaTrans]( | Metatranscriptomic Sequencing Workflow Template | devel <img src="" align="center" style="width:25px;" /> | <a href=""> <img src="" align="center" style="width:20px;" /> |  | ] --- ## <i class="fas fa-box-open"></i> Install Workflow <i class="fas fa-hand-point-right" style="color:#00758a;"></i> Check the workflow template availability ```r availableWF(github = TRUE) # $systemPipeRdata # [1] "chipseq" "new" "riboseq" "rnaseq" "varseq" # # $github # workflow branches version html description # 1 systemPipeR/systemPipeChIPseq master release Workflow Template # 2 systemPipeR/systemPipeRIBOseq master release Workflow Template # 3 systemPipeR/systemPipeRNAseq cluster, master, singleMachine release Workflow Template # 4 systemPipeR/systemPipeVARseq master release Workflow Template # 5 systemPipeR/systemPipeCLIPseq master devel Workflow Template # 6 systemPipeR/systemPipeDeNovo master devel Workflow Template # 7 systemPipeR/systemPipeMetaTrans master devel Workflow Template # 8 systemPipeR/systemPipeMethylseq master devel Workflow Template ``` --- ## <i class="fas fa-box-open"></i> Install Workflow <i class="fas fa-hand-point-right" style="color:#00758a;"></i> Install Workflow Template from [*systemPipeR* Organization]( ```r genWorkenvir(workflow="systemPipeR/systemPipeVARseq", mydirname=NULL) # [1] "Package systemPipeVARseq is successfully installed!" # [1] "The 'demo data'was successfully copied to your project." # [1] "The 'param' directory was successfully copied to your project." # [1] "Generated systemPipeVARseq directory. Next run in systemPipeR/systemPipeVARseq directory, the R code from *.Rmd template interactively. Alternatively, workflows can be exectued with a single command as instructed in the vignette." ``` <i class="fas fa-hand-point-right" style="color:#00758a;"></i> Install Workflow Template with a specific *R Markdown* file: ```r genWorkenvir(workflow="systemPipeR/systemPipeRNAseq", mydirname="rnaseq", url = "", urlname = "rnaseq_V-cluster.Rmd") ``` --- ## <i class="fas fa-mouse-pointer"></i> Dynamic Workflow Template <i class="fas fa-hand-point-right" style="color:#00758a;"></i> Create dynamic Workflow Templates with *RStudio* <i class="fas fa-hand-point-right" style="color:#00758a;"></i> `File -> New File -> R Markdown -> From Template` .center[ <img src="rstudio.png" height="425px" class="center" /> ] --- class: middle # Thanks! <i class="fas fa-hand-point-right" style="color:#00758a;"></i> Browse source code at <a href=""> <i class="fab fa-github fa-2x"></i></a> <i class="fas fa-hand-point-right" style="color:#00758a;"></i> Ask a question about systemPipeRdata at Bioconductor Support Page <a href=""><i class="far fa-question-circle fa-2x"></i></a> <i class="fas fa-hand-point-right" style="color:#00758a;"></i> *systemPipeRdata* at [Bioconductor]( <i class="fas fa-hand-point-right" style="color:#00758a;"></i> [](